Liberia Failed State: Why it is Important For You to Help in the Restoration Process

liberia failed state

Liberia failed state has always been an eye opener for those who were not familiar with the human characteristics. The life of an ordinary person was like a prey to an insatiably hungry beast; which would have eaten it whole if there were no help at all.

As there is little or no organized governmental supervision, the weak leadership has put the entire country at risk of disastrous calamity. The medical facilities, school system and the electricity and water supply are the major causes of the catastrophe. Another significant issue that could have contributed to the failure of the Liberia failed state is the high unemployment rate.

Of course, the condition of the country has been greatly reduced by the foreign aid that the US and other international organizations have sent. This is an indication that they too wish the country’s collapse.

While there is a significant difference between the development and the deterioration of the Liberia failed state, there are similarities in both. The basic problem is lack of solid human values, especially with regard to compassion, democracy and human rights. No wonder that the countries that have witnessed the failure of failed states have suffered tremendously.

It is the duty of any person, whose interest lies in the country, to help in the restoration process. This is the first thing that a person has to do. The government, with its institutions, has to be rebuilt as soon as possible.

The revival of the country would require the involvement of civil society organizations as well as the government. One institution can only revive the spirit of a nation, when it is connected to civil society. The assistance would come from both NGOs and voluntary organizations.

It will be quite easy for the government to assist the government institutions such as the Ministry of Health, the National Planning and Research Commission, the National Police and the International Organizations as long as the current government is not in power. But it is the NGOs that are reliable and able to support the government in the rebuilding process.

Since many human beings do not feel the need to participate in helping their fellow human beings, they do not bother to contribute at all. If everyone would do this, the country would certainly benefit immensely.

The government is now trying to restore the medical facilities. However, it has to ensure that the services are provided free of cost. The United Nations Relief and Works Agency have recently provided millions of dollars worth of funds to Liberia.

The organizations that are part of this fund are specialized in providing support to the organizations working for the promotion of human rights and the improvement of the social services. It is also providing the development assistance to the poor and uneducated section of the society.

The relief and humanitarian aid are coming from the UN, NGOs and UNDP. It would be difficult for the Liberian government to fulfill the program if it did not have an organization like this to help.

They have a lot of experience in providing assistance to other countries in their time of trouble. They can be relied upon to provide assistance in the future.

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